Thursday, May 28, 2009

Soccer players and their hip flexors

Soccer players and their hip flexors often times seem to be quarreling with each other. Because of the nature of the sport, soccer players will usually stress their hip flexors and can even develop some injuries should they not address it.

As you know, in a soccer game, players are often reaching to collect an errant pass, or they are stabbing at the ball as an opponent is trying to beat them 1 v 1. Because it is an explosive sport, and for those reasons previously listed, soccer players and their hip flexors are often at odds with one another.

Obviously getting into a daily stretching program will help in correcting this. Here are some of my favorite movement stretches to isolate and stretch the hip flexor:
  • Walking Lunge with a Twist: Conduct a normal walking lunge where the back leg is approximately an inch off the ground and then add a twist to the side you are lunging to. In other words, if you lunge with your right leg forward, keep your arms out and front of you and then turn your head, shoulders (arms and hands) and upper torso toward the right and look over your right shoulder. Repeat this on the left side as well. I like to have my players do approximately 15 yards of this dynamic stretch, 1 to 2 times before a practice or a game.
  • Scorpions: Laying on your stomach, with your arms out to your side at a 90 degree angle to your body, bring your right foot up (so it looks like a scorpion tail) and try and then touch your right heel to your left hand. Bring the right leg back to its original position and then alternate legs. I like to have my players do 2 sets of 10.
  • Back heel lift: Have your players on their hands and knees. Extend the right leg back so that just the left leg (knee) is on the ground. Drive the right heel straight up into the air and bring it back down and repeat this explosive movement 10 times with the right leg and then 10 times with the left leg. Try and maintain straight arms and a flat back.
  • Hip circles: Also from your hands and knees, keep the right leg bent and raise it up 90 degrees (Like your dog might look if he went by a fire hydrant:)) While in this position, rotate your leg and hip in a forward circle 10 times. Repeat on the left side 10 times as well.

These dynamic stretches help a soccer player tremendously with alleviating pain associated with tight hip flexors. Keeping them loose, will not only make them better soccer players, but will also reduce injuries.

I would highly recommend doing these stretches as a part of your warm up and cool down as it will help your players minimize pain and lower the risk of potential injury.

If you want to learn more about soccer and speed tips for soccer players, go on over to my website, and register to get tips like this sent to your inbox free.

Have a great day!


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