Monday, June 8, 2009

Nutrition Questions Answered for Soccer Players

With some soccer tournaments coming up, it is important to know as much as possible about nutrition. Below is a series of several questions soccer coaches have asked us and that we have answered through a panel of sports nutritionists.

Q: Why is nutrition so important to an athlete's performance on the game field or practice field?

A: It is vital that an athlete properly fuel their body. You would not expect a car to work without the right type of gas; similarly you cannot expect your body to run efficiently without the right fuel (foods/fluids) either. Eating the right foods and consuming the right fluids at the right time can help the athlete achieve their peak performance!

Q: Why is proper nutrition important for an athlete prior to a game and some general suggested foods that make sense to consider an hour or two before a game?

A: Fueling properly before practice or game is imperative to an athlete’s performance. An athlete must "top off" their energy stores by consuming a high carbohydrate snack prior to practice or competition. Ensuring that the snack is high in carbohydrates, (not high in protein or fat) is important since carbohydrates are quickly converted to energy that the body can use to fuel sports activity. Examples include, fruit, granola bars, raisins, pretzels and bagels.

Q: Why is proper nutrition important for an athlete after a game and some general suggested foods that make sense to consider within an hour of a game for recovery purposes?

A: Post-workout and/or post-competition, it is crucial for an athlete consume a snack that is high in carbohydrates and moderate in protein within 30 minutes. The 30 minute time window is important to help decrease recovery time. Meaning, an athlete will be able to recover faster from one workout to the next. Examples include flavored low-fat milk, peanut butter & jelly sandwich, cereal & milk, and trail mix.

** It is important for the athlete and coach to understand that even with the right type, amount and timing of your nutrition it will take the body approximately 20-22 hrs to fully recover its energy stores.

Hope this information helps you with your players nutrition for game days and recovery days!

Have a great day!


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