Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Explosive Change of Direction for Soccer Players

In order to change direction quickly and explosively, a soccer player must learn how to stop properly, effectively and safely. The most dangerous soccer player on the field isn't always the fastest one, but the one one that can stop the fastest and then explode in a new direction.

There are several things to consider and do in order to achieve this success. In order for a soccer player to stop quickly, as a player approaches the spot where they need/want to stop, they will want to take smaller steps and start to drop their hips. By doing this, they are effectively lowering their center of gravity. By lowering their center of gravity, this will allow them to move in a new direction quickly.

To effectively stop however, a soccer player should step into that stopped position rather than jumping into it. When they come to a stop, their feet should be pointed forward and they should be in an athletic stance. (Athletic stance is their feet are about shoulder width apart). They will want their heels slightly off the ground (allow a piece of paper to go between their heel and the ground)and they are balanced on the front part of the feet ready to explode in a new direction.

So to summarize, as a soccer player approaches where they want to stop, take smaller steps, start to bend their knees and drop their hips and stop by stepping into an athletic stance with them balanced on the front part of their feet.

Work on this efficient and safe stop and then work with them on their next explosive first step in a new direction.

I have a new DVD coming out soon on change of direction, showing a coach or a player how to stop and explode properly and many drills to enhance that movement skill...keep your eyes open for it or go to my website and register to learn when this DVD is coming out.

Thanks and have a great day!


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